Get to Know the Power of Clean Service Verification
Communities across the U.S. depend on regular garbage and recycling services to keep their homes and businesses clean. However, haulers, municipalities, and these communities bear the burden and costs of excessive waste. With WasteVision, garbage disposal companies can easily identify overflowing bins, allowing them to inform their community of healthy disposal practices and reduce the harms of excessive waste.
How Does Our Technology Work?
Our unique solution combines most on-truck camera systems with cutting-edge AI technology that can identify overflows, streamline pick-up verification, and automate the reporting process with precision. WasteVision gives you more data on each lift, catching more blocked containers and instances of overflow violation, making the service verification process more straightforward for your haulers. Implementing the capabilities of this technology in your daily operations will minimize the burdens of overloaded containers on your drivers and customer service team.
WasteVision also monitors for contamination to ensure that recycling bins don’t have materials that don’t belong. Expert usage of your truck’s cameras will give your service necessary, undisputable evidence that ties the waste generator to the identified contamination. This pick-up verification process provides room for fair and cost-effective education and enforcement.
Choose WasteVision AI
At WasteVision AI, we’re dedicated to delivering next-level waste management solutions powered by innovative AI technology. Get started with our services to start mitigating contamination, promoting sustainability, and enhancing your company’s operational efficiency.
Are you interested in equipping your waste disposal business with the power of WasteVision AI? Please reach out to us today and learn how our waste management solutions can benefit your business. Our team looks forward to speaking with you!