Case Studies

Innovative Waste Management Technology: Revolutionizing Roll-Off Bin Efficiency

In the complex landscape of waste management, efficiently managing roll-off bins is a critical yet challenging task. These large, movable containers are essential for various projects, but their efficient management has often been a logistical challenge. WasteVision introduces a revolutionary solution leveraging innovative sensor technology to transform roll-off bin management by improving operational efficiency and optimizing routing.

WasteVision AI Overflow Detection with JLT

JLT is a regional commercial waste hauler operating around fifty trucks in the Washington DC area. Like most waste haulers, JLT was leaving a lot of money on the table by not billing on the vast majority of their overflowing pickups. Additionally, they didn’t have the data to support their sales team in upselling / right sizing. Regardless of if JLT is charging for overflows, they do have to pay to pick them up – cleaning up overflows causes drivers to take more time on overflown pickups, resulting in fewer pickups per route.

Revolutionizing Used Cooking Oil Collection with Advanced Sensor Technology

In the domain of waste management, efficient handling of Used Cooking Oil (UCO) is a unique challenge. WasteVision introduces an innovative solution to this problem, leveraging advanced radar sensor technology to revolutionize UCO collection. This case study explores how WasteVision’s technology optimizes UCO collection, enhances EPA compliance, detects and deters theft, and supports dynamic routing.